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A Review of the Effectiveness of VR Training in Scientific Meta-Studies

Virtual Reality (VR) has established itself as a significant tool in education and professional training. Advocates of this technology highlight it’s superior learning and training capabilities compared to traditional training methods. But do these benefits stand up to scientific scrutiny?

Increasing Productivity in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing With VR Training

Cleanroom personnel are the core of aseptic production. Having the most effective training program is not only a compliance and quality necessity, but also holds significant productivity advantages. This article explores why VR training is the superior solution for increased productivity.

Why Traditional Training is Not Effective in Conditioning Correct Behavior

Precision and consistency of behavior, close to automaticity, is of utmost importance in cleanroom operations. Training needs to condition the correct actions for ensuring that personnel execute their tasks correctly and efficiently, almost without conscious thought. But traditional training methods are not effective in this.

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