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Company: Etrema
Location: France
Project: Integration of the Innerspace VR Simulator at a customer by the external service provider Etrema.

The seamless integration of Innerspace’s VR Simulator Training into a complex, multi-organisational environment was successfully achieved with support from the external firm Etrema. Despite involving three companies and a substantial project scope, the execution was completed in a short time period, overcoming some organizational delays.

Key Facts

Project Duration


April 2022 – October 2022


Integration of Innerspace VR Cleanroom Simulator Training in a new to be build training facility

Planning Staff:

5 people;

2 at Innerspace (KAM & CUS),
1 at Customer (Project Driver & Lead Technician),
1 at Etrema (Project Lead)

The Goal

A global pharmaceutical CDMO manufacturer aimed to expand their cleanroom operator training at a French site, raising its effectiveness and scope. To reach this goal, a complete new training facility was planned, incorporating multiple training rooms and modes, with a key focus on VR Simulator Training.

The Company

The French site of the manufacturer hired Etrema as an external company to take the lead on the project. Etrema is a French engineering, project management, and maintenance company specializing in pharmaceutical industry services. They offer comprehensive services including project studies, procurement assistance, and execution, coordination of work, qualification, and validation.

Project Genesis

Innerspace came into contact with the pharmaceutical manufacturer, that wanted to improve their operator cleanroom training. After conducting a successfull Demo Day workshop at their site, the deal was signed between Innerspace and the manufacturer to deliver two separate VR Simulators by Innerspace in two countries – Germany and France.

The French site of the manufacturers brought the third-party company Etrema on board, who coordinated the project and worked closely with Innerspace. The project entailed transforming an old production hangar into a state-of-the-art training center. This involved using container buildings, welded together to create separate rooms for different training aspects: classroom training, VR training, filtration, gowning, and others.

Project Execution

The collaboration between Innerspace, Etrema, and the executing technician at the customer’s end was seamless. Innerspace’s installation manual greatly facilitated the process. With the best possible integration of the VR Simulator into the overall training facility and program in mind, Etrema tested various VR simulator modules of Innerspace’s offering over two months to ensure maximum compatibility and effectiveness. The final training package selection was then completed, and the initial offering slightly adjusted.

I have integrated the VR Simulator at a customers site into a training program and was amazed by how easy and fast this project was going.

Olivier Guillon

Olivier Guillon

Engineering Department at Etrema

Key Milestones
  • 1. Kick-Off: April 13, 2022, with an Innerspace Customer Service Manager and Etrema’s project lead.

  • 2. VR Training Room Planning: Collaborative design with the customer.

  • 3. Room Preparation: Technical works commenced by the manufacturers technicians under supervision of Etrema

  • 4. Shipment of Hardware: Innerspace sent the hardware package in late April.

  • 5. Installation: Completed by Etrema in consultation with Innerspace by May 5, 2022.

  • 6. Train the Trainer Workshop: Initially planned for May 11, 2022, but rescheduled to June 27, 2022, due to organizational delays.

After the successful establishment of the training facility and with the VR Simulator up and running, the contract of Etrema with the manufacturer was fulfilled with the customer in October 2022. The project was finished with a scheduled joint meeting between Innerspace, the manufacturer and Etrema.


This case study is an example of the successful and seamless integration of Innerspace’s VR Simulator Training into a complex, multi-organisational environment with support from an external firm, in this case Etrema. Even with three companies involved and a substantial project scope, the execution was done in a short time period, including some organizational delays. This shows the flexibility and ease of implementing VR Simulator Training and the possibility of outsourcing the development or revision of training programmes to external firms, which can then work efficiently with Innerspace.